EU refining industry launches “Save more than fuel” campaign

Today, the European refining industry (FuelsEurope) launches a “Save more than fuel” campaign.

The campaign offers ten easy tips to consumers to drive more efficiently, reduce fuel consumption and emissions. 

The EU-wide campaign can be found on a dedicated website and has been has been translated into twenty-two official EU languages.

Chris Hunt, UKPIA’s Director General, commented: “These ten easy tips can help motorists reduce fuel consumption and contribute to reducing COemissions and improving air quality.”

For more information, videos and tips, visit 


Enquiries to: Press Office, Tel. 020 7269 7600

Notes to Editors:

  1. FuelsEurope represents the interest of 42 companies operating refineries in the EU. Members account for almost 100% of EU petroleum refining capacity and more than 75% of EU motor fuel retail sales.
  2. UKPIA represents eight oil refining and marketing companies that operate the six major oil refineries in the UK. UKPIA members supply 33% of UK primary energy needs and source over 85% of the transport fuels used. They also own around 1,800 of the 8,591 filling stations in the UK.
  3. Efficiency is also important in the refining process itself. Independent studies have shown that UK and EU refineries have achieved world leadership in terms of efficient use of energy and lower carbon intensity from production activities.
  4. The EU refining industry plays an important role as a secure, reliable and resilient provider of energy, in the form of its fuel products, to the EU economy. Petroleum products supply 90% of mobility, are a key contributor to living standards and are intrinsically linked to business value chains and economic growth. They also supply 2/3 of the raw material to the EU petrochemical industry which is converted into lightweight plastics, insulation materials and other essential components of the low carbon economy. 
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