In 2013, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) commissioned studies on eight energy intensive industry sectors with the objective to develop long-term decarbonisation and energy efficiency roadmaps through to 2050. UKPIA worked closely with Parsons Brinckerhoff and DNV GL, the lead consultants appointed by DECC and BIS to develop the roadmaps for the refining sector[1], which was published in March 2015, alongside similar roadmaps for the cement, ceramics, chemicals, food and drink, glass, iron and steel and paper and pulp sectors.
Since 2015, Government and industry have worked together to identify the conditions necessary and steps required to deliver the long-term carbon abatement and energy efficiency opportunities identified in the roadmaps. Earlier today, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy published a joint industry - Government Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the oil refining sector[2], alongside corresponding Action Plans for other sectors.
Chris Hunt, UKPIA Director General, said: “The challenge to continue to ensure a secure and reliable supply of energy in the orderly transition to a lower carbon economy is clear. The refining sector is taking a variety of actions across its value chain to reduce emissions and will continue to be an integral part of efforts to address this challenge. The refining sector plays a vital role in the manufacture and supply of petroleum products used by millions of consumers, along with thousands of businesses, hospitals, schools, the emergency services, maritime and aviation customers. A secure, affordable and resilient supply of these product is essential to secure a strong base for the UK economy and its future growth.”
“The Action Plan stresses the importance of a market-based policy framework that creates the right conditions for investment in decarbonisation and energy efficiency measures and encourages innovation in enabling the UK to deliver its decarbonisation potential. The UK Government has a crucial role to play in the development of the policy framework required to create these market conditions, both domestically and in its international diplomacy and action on climate change.”
Claire Perry, Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry said: “I am pleased to co-sign the joint Government and Oil Refining Sector Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Roadmap Action Plan with the UK Petroleum Industry Association, and thank them for their collaboration on the initiative. The Action Plan sets out how Government and energy intensive industries will collaborate to support the sectors to decarbonise and improve their energy efficiency while maintaining competitiveness, and forms a crucial part of our Clean Growth Strategy that has been published today to set out how the UK will meet its Carbon Budgets.”
Enquiries to: UKPIA Press Office, Tel. 020 7269 7600
Notes to Editors:
- UKPIA represents eight oil refining and marketing companies that operate the six major oil refineries in the UK and source over 85% of the transport fuels used. UKPIA members also own around 1,250 of the UK's 8,476 filling stations in the UK.
- UKPIA members supply over 33% of the UK’s primary energy needs and support the employment of 88,100 people across the UK.
[1] Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Roadmaps to 2050 - Oil Refining Sector
[2] Oil Refining Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Roadmap Action Plan