The UK Petroleum Industry Association is aware of the Government’s work on air quality and its clean air strategy that is to be published today; we will study the strategy and its contents in detail and continue to engage with Government on the issues raised. Media reports that it will contain policy proposals to ban petrol and diesel vehicle sales by 2040 will, we believe, raise a number of issues. Today, there are 37.5 million vehicles licensed for use on roads in Great Britain. Petrol and diesel-powered vehicles account for 99% of the UK’s passenger car fleet. Therefore, measures would need to be carefully considered and practical impacts on consumers, industry, infrastructure, vehicle manufacture and alternative power source technology thoroughly researched and consulted upon.
The downstream oil industry supports constructive policies to address the urban air quality challenges we face and has already published its position on these issues.
Enquiries to: UKPIA Press Office, Tel. 020 7269 7600
Notes to Editors:
- UKPIA represents eight oil refining and marketing companies that operate the six major oil refineries in the UK and source over 85% of the transport fuels used. UKPIA members also own around 1,250 of the UK's 8,476 filling stations in the UK.
- UKPIA members supply over 33% of the UK’s primary energy needs and support the employment of 88,100 people across the UK.