UKPIA calls for government to work with industry to reduce emissions

Responding to the announcement that the UK Government intends to legislate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050, UKPIA – the trade association for the UK’s downstream oil sector – has called on policymakers to work with industry to meet these ambitious goals.

UKPIA believes that the downstream oil sector – which includes the refining, distribution and marketing of liquid fuels and other products – has a role to play in the UK’s low-carbon energy transition. However, this must be done by enabling energy intensive industries to make carbon reductions from their products and processes whilst not damaging their competitiveness in a global market. We encourage government to adopt a technology-neutral approach that combines incentives with market-led solutions to find the most efficient means to reduce emissions across the UK.

Stephen Marcos Jones, UKPIA Director-General, said, “The decision to commit the UK to ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is a momentous one – we cannot underestimate the effort that will be required from all areas of society to meet this challenge – and UKPIA stands ready to work with UK Government in realising this new target. The downstream oil sector has considerable potential to be a key participant in the UK’s low-carbon energy future. Companies in the sector have the expertise and resources that could develop the advanced fuels that can achieve widespread decarbonisation of transport, especially the more hard-to-decarbonise transport sectors such as Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), aviation and shipping as they transition to low-carbon. To do this, however, governments and policymakers will need to work closely with industry to ensure emissions are not simply exported elsewhere whilst domestic manufacturing is rendered uncompetitive.”

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Notes to editors:

  • The UK Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA) represents eight oil refining and marketing companies that operate the six major oil refineries in the UK and source over 85% of the transport fuels used. UKPIA members also own around 1,250 of the UK's 8,476 filling stations in the UK.
  • Further details on the role the downstream oil sector can play in the transition to a low-carbon world will be available next month when UKPIA publishes its ‘Future Vision’ document. For more information visit or contact
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