Stephen Marcos Jones, Director-General of UKPIA said:
“The announcement today (4th February 2020) that the government plans to bring forward an end to the sale of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles from 2040 to 2035 threatens the opportunity to pursue a low-carbon strategy in the UK that embraces all technologies. The UK Government risks the progress we have made in reducing our emissions by ‘picking winners’, instead of allowing for consumer choice and technological development – including low-carbon liquid fuels in ICE and hybrid vehicles – to lead the way in decarbonising our society.
Electric vehicles will have an increasingly important role to play in the future of our transport system, however, if we are to meet the target of ‘Net Zero’ emissions by 2050 we need to focus on the ends and not the means. That must include recognising that ICE and hybrid vehicles are part of the long-term solution to decarbonisation, playing a fundamental role in lowering emissions now, through enhanced vehicle efficiency and the use of low carbon liquid fuels.
The downstream oil sector will continue to play a major role in the UK’s energy transition. We will work with the UK government to ensure that this vital area of public policy is driven by rigorous, evidence-based outcomes to help secure practicable, low-carbon liquid fuel solutions to the country’s future transport and energy needs.”
Notes to editors:
The UK Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA) represent eight oil refining and marketing companies that operate the six major oil refineries in the UK and source over 85% of the transport fuels used. UKPIA members also own around 1,250 of the UK’s 8,476 filling stations in the UK.