UKPIA response to the release of the UK Government’s Hydrogen Strategy

London, 17/08/2021 – In response to the release of the Hydrogen Strategy, the downstream sector is committed to working with the UK Government to help build the hydrogen economy. The downstream sector is the largest producer and user of hydrogen in the UK, safely handling hydrogen since the first UK refinery methane reformer was commissioned in Billingham in 1936.

According to the Climate Change Committee, “A significant low-carbon hydrogen economy will be needed to help tackle the challenges” in the UK’s transition to Net-Zero. [1] Since refineries are central parts of low-carbon industrial clusters in the UK, UKPIA sees a crucial role for them in both blue and green hydrogen producers and users.

Indeed, UKPIA members are already leading the way with projects such as HyNet North West (blue hydrogen) and Gigastack (green hydrogen). [2] UKPIA strongly supports the industrial cluster concept, which can deliver deployment of hydrogen at scale, as an important way to decarbonise the manufacturing sector while attracting investment and maintaining jobs across the regions of the UK.

Hydrogen will also have a role in the decarbonisation of transport alongside electrification and low carbon fuels. UKPIA’s report “The Future of Mobility in the UK”, explores potential roles for hydrogen in transport such as HGVs, shipping, and some forms of aviation.[3]


Quotes attributed to UKPIA Director-General Stephen Marcos Jones.

“We welcome the publication of the Hydrogen Strategy and we will continue to engage with the UK Government on the policies announced today – especially the important work on business models and overcoming existing cost barriers - to ensure they support attainment of the UK’s Net-Zero goal in an efficient and economically sustainable way.

There are multiple opportunities for hydrogen to decarbonise parts of the economy, from transport to home heating and especially in decarbonising heavy manufacturing processes and we will look to support clean hydrogen technology in that important role.”



Notes for editors:

  • UKPIA represents eight oil refining and marketing companies that operate the six major oil refineries in the UK and source over 85% of the transport fuels used. UKPIA’s associate members are made up of a wide range of companies - from heating fuel supply and LNG imports, renewable and sustainable fuel producers, to terminals and pipelines - all providing a range of essential services across the industry.
  • The UK’s six refineries produce around 150kte of hydrogen per year, used in refinery processes and as on-site energy. [2]
  • [1] – CCC, Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming, May 2019, page 138.
  • [2] - UKPIA, Transition, Transformation, and Innovation: Our Role in the Net-Zero Challenge, October 2020, page 12.
  • [3] – UKPIA, The Future of Mobility in the UK, March 2021, page 8.


  • Jamie Baker, Director of External Relations, +44 (0) 2072 697 605  
  • Callan Tree, Communications & Government Affairs Specialist, +44 (0) 7468 694 73 
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