UKPIA response to Government Low Carbon Fuels Strategy Call for Ideas

London, 08/02/2022 – Responding to DfT’s launch of the Low Carbon Fuels Strategy Call for Ideas, UKPIA supports the need for a comprehensive strategy on low carbon fuels that can give a clear, positive signal for investment in these fuels.  They offer the potential for early decarbonisation of existing vehicles and aviation and will be essential to meet Net Zero by 2050.

Low carbon fuels have already contributed to reduced emissions in the UK with the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation mandating biofuels be blended into road fuels that reduced overall emissions equivalent to over two million cars in 2019 [1]. The introduction of E10 petrol last September in Great Britain is expected to reduce emissions equivalent to an additional 350 thousand cars being taken off the road [2].

Quotes attributed to UKPIA’s Director of Downstream Policy, Dr Andrew Roberts: 

“UKPIA welcomes the Call for Ideas on Low Carbon Fuels. This announcement is the surest sign yet that this government knows it will need all technologies to meet the monumental challenge of decarbonising transport in line with Net Zero.

DfT, the Climate Change Committee and others have rightly acknowledged the necessity for the aviation sector to adopt low carbon fuels in the form of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) to decarbonise. However, we believe that investing now in low carbon fuels is a no-regret option for policymakers looking to reduce emissions for all transport modes given their proven ability to decarbonise existing fleets.

There are challenges ahead, with no producer yet able to offer 100% SAF, while competition for limited sustainable feedstocks means there may need to be prioritisation of waste and biomass use. We trust that the Strategy which follows this Call for Ideas will be able to address these issues and will create a policy framework that is truly technology-neutral, rewards investments that can reduce carbon across their lifetime, and can allow the UK to become a world leader in low carbon fuel production.”

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Notes to Editors:  

UKPIA represents eight refining and marketing companies that operate the six major oil refineries in the UK and source over 85% of the transport fuels used. UKPIA members also own around 1,250 of the UK's 8,000+ filling stations. UKPIA’s associate membership comprises a wide range of companies - from heating fuel supply and LNG imports, renewable and sustainable fuel producers, to terminals and pipelines - all providing a range of essential services across the industry.

[1] 96% of today’s transport energy in the UK is provided by the downstream sector (petroleum products and biofuels combined). In 2019, the last year unaffected by COVID-19, the renewable transport fuels obligation (RTFO) saved a total of 5.37 Mt CO2e or the equivalent of taking 2.5 million cars off the road for a full year. UKPIA Future of Mobility Report, 2021

[2] “The introduction of E10 petrol at UK forecourts could cut transport CO2 emissions by 750,000 tonnes a year – the equivalent of taking 350,000 cars off the road, or all the cars in North Yorkshire.” E10 Petrol Explained, website



  • Jamie Baker, Director of External Relations, +44 (0) 2072 697 605  


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